Τρίτη 7 Φεβρουαρίου 2012

Peaceful day

I always feel the need to steam off. It is my cure. As a typical Scorpio, I keep piling things up inside me without letting people know what I feel and then *boom*, suddenly they all stream out and away towards all directions. But I always pay enough attention and care not to get it out on those who don't deserve it. I know I said a lot the last couple of days and I know I wrote a lot in my last night's way-past-midnight post; but I had to let them out. I've been locking things up inside since I was a kid, very serious stuff that still haunt me today and intervene with my social and personal skills. Good for me, I recently started trying a different approach; no longer will I suffer that much from what others cause me, and the least I can do is let them know. Or, better say, let it out. Steam off. 'Cause it's not fair for me to keep everything inside just so as not to hurt others - even the people I love, or especially them. Or in order not to have them face reality and their own character and ill-mannered actions. I've always been sincere; but last few years I've started being upfront as well. It's the only way to protect myself.

So today I feel at peace. At peace with myself, at peace with the situation, at peace with you. Because you now know absolutely everything that you needed to know. It's in your hands to face reality, our common reality, better say. There surely is one and if you step a little back and remember, really remember, you'll see it. As for me? I'm finally at peace :)

PS: Apologies to everyone for my choice of language, it's almost my second nature and I sometimes find it easier to express in it..

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